Thursday, September 13, 2007

My shifting history....

Asheville was surprisingly uneventful. The only apparent publicity was an email blast and a couple of posters. The contact I had couldn't make the screening and sent someone in her place. He was very nice, but also couldn't stay for the whole screening. I only had 8 people in the audience, but they were a nice group. I sold 2 DVDs. The manager of the theatre was very kind, and Michelle and I had a great talk with a few of the local filmmaking crowd.

Later in the evening, I had a blast with my sister. She informed me that my last name (Patrick) isn't Irish, but rather German... It was originally Fitzpatrick. It was a perfect bomb to drop on me during this increasingly personal journey that Southern Circuit has become. All my life I assumed that it was Irish. Now I feel my lifelong affinity with Saint Patrick, James Joyce, and all things Irish draining away.

Goodbye Jonathan Swift, Hello Goethe. Very weird.

I go to Clemson tonight, then home tomorrow.


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