Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 9 for We Still Live Here

Day 9 began with mad blogging about the Montgomery march,  including editing video that I had mistakenly shot upside down on my iPhone, a whole new editing challenge.  Luckily I had my lovely room at the Lattice Inn to work in, and the kindly innkeeper Jim let me stay until I had finished.

I had a night off and a three hour drive from Montgomery to my next screening in Winder, GA, so arranged to stay in the university town of Auburn, Alabama, that night.  As I drove into town, demonstrators waved signs for Ron Paul at me, reminding me that the Alabama primary was happening very soon and that I could be within a few miles of one of the comical though frightening characters battling it out in the south: Newt, Rick, Mitt, and maybe Ron too.

Waling around town, I was assaulted by talking light poles issuing peremptory orders - WAIT!  WAIT!  WAIT! Beep Beep Beep.  They must have had movement sensors, as whenever I got within 50 feet of a crosswalk the orders began again.  I wondered if there had been an outbreak of kamikaze pedestrians or blind drivers or both; mostly I obeyed.

That night, after a fantastic dinner of salmon salad at the Amsterdam cafe, I noticed some musicians entering a funky little bookstore and went in to find out what was going on.  It turned out they were setting up to play, and since I love the dobro and pretty much any country or mountain music, I sat down to listen.  They were great!  Fantastic guy on drums and blues harp, awesome dobro player who was really fun to watch, great bass guitarist, a singer who thought he was cooler than he was, but, oh well. Even a trombone, an unusual addition to say the least!

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