Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Matt Anderson Blogs from the Circuit Road - Part 1

From Matt Anderson:

The past four days have been so full and exciting! I left Los Angeles early on Friday and landed in Nashville. On the plane I asked a local where I should eat since I was a little starving. Without hesitation he said 'Demo's!' A short time later I was eating their delicious chicken and rice soup with a prime-rib sandwich!

Belly full, I headed up to Gallatin for that evenings' screening at the Palace Theater. I met Donna and all the wonderful organizers of our first screening. To my surprise they had even had a cake made with 'FALL AND WINTER' written on it!! This was the first serious dose of Southern hospitality I received on the Circuit, and I'll never forget it! The theater was really nice, and I was happy with the turn-out; but I was blown away by the response! There were a lot of thoughtful questions in the Q&A, and lots of great discussion afterwards in the lobby over wine. It was encouraging that the audience was so receptive to the film!

A couple of friends I had met last time I was in Nashville were there. Marcus, Kim and Steve showed up to support the film, and invited me to come over to see their various projects the next day. In the morning I took a detour to the next town over to see Johnny Cash's grave. There he lay next to June Carter, both graves full-length and, of course, in black.

I headed to the address Marcus gave me, expecting to see the early stages of an Earthship coming together. I showed up, and beaming in the hot sun was this nearly finished 2-story structure! Relaxing in the shade after a full morning of work were Marcus, Kim and Steve. They gave me a tour and explained the layout. I couldn't believe that 3 young and dedicated people had built this in just over a year!

And if that wasn't enough, Kim and Steve took me down to the organic farm where they've been living. After a tour of their state-of-the-art gourmet mushroom farm, I saw the outdoor crops - all of which they sell at farmers markets. Steve let me see the Tiny home he's been constructing, and then we all sat on the porch with a couple of beers. I was really inspired and so happy to see a small group of dedicated people doing such important work!

I hit the road the next morning fully inspired by my friends, and their various projects! With a 3 hour drive up to Louisville, I decided there was time to stop at the world famous 'Mammoth Caves' be continued!

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