Saturday, April 09, 2011

Scrappers in Durham, NC

Friday evening Brian and I were greeted by a friendly University of Chicago alumni contingent before screening at Duke’s University's Center for Documentary Studies. Huge thanks to the CDS staff for their hospitality and gorgeous projection of the film! Was interesting to meet folks from a Durham reuse center and a Raleigh food bank that follows a gleaner model.
With the Research Triangle emerging as a center for organic food in the wake of tobacco buyouts, many of these fellow UChicagoans were interested in my work documenting John Edel’s vertical farm, as well as how we had spent the night before at Capt. John's Lamb Farm, where our pal Sean is putting his SAIC degree to good use as…a shepherd! Coming from that background, Sean was more than willing to allow us to do re-purpose his flock as a projection screen. Perhaps we've found another venue for the Southern Circuit?

1 comment:

  1. You guys are making some really meaningful tracks across the SE! Was that projector powered by a battery...? Bubbly Dynamics & the Textile Discount Outlet are absolutely phenomenal. I will share. Keep it up!
